Week 10: the latest updated research on educational technology tools

Here is my latest  updated research on educational technology tools; you might know some or all of these. However, I wanted to share this information with you all.   These websites provides a good overview of the educational issues in relation to teaching with technology, all these links are free online tools and programs which will be highly needed in your daily teaching
1.      A Brief History of CALL Theory
An article which gives an overview of CALL and how different teaching methodologies have influenced CALL in the language classroom.
2.      The E-Society: A National Classification
An article which divides computer users into eight distinct groups, based on a survey carried out in the UK in 2005.
3.      The One-Computer Classroom
Ways of using one computer in a classroom with a group of learners.
4.      20 Technology Skills Every Educator Should Have
An article outlining the ICT skills educators ‘should’ have - a good starting point to consider what ICT skills you have, and what skills you could develop.
5.      Word processing ideas
Ways of using word processors with learners, including free writing activities, and using the Grammar Checker and Comment functions in a word processing program such as Microsoft Word.
6.      Word Processing-Based Activities for a Language Class
A comprehensive collection of activities using words processors for language learners, from a variety of sources and writers.
7.      Using Images to Create Teaching Materials
Help on how to create professional-looking handouts using, for example, scanned magazine pages.
8.      Creating Test Forms in Word
Help on how to create forms for tests, using Microsoft Word.
9.      Using the Internet
An article that looks at using the Internet as a materials resource, as well as how to prepare for and manage Internet lessons.
10.  How to teach Business English using the web
An article on how to use the Internet with Business English learners, including writing practice ideas, and using the web for research and project work.
11.  Designing a WWW reading task
An article giving advice on designing tasks based on the Internet.
12.  Why Webquests
A brief look at why Webquests are useful as a language learning tool.
13.  The Webquest Design Process
A detailed look at how to design your own Webquest.
14.  Sample Webquests at: 
15.  The Core Rules of Netiquette
Taken from the book Netiquette by Virginia Shea, this website gives you an overview and explanation of the most important rules of netiquette (the rules governing online communication and behaviour).
16.  ePals Global Network
A site for finding keypals in other countries. The free version of ePals can be used with up to  35 student accounts.
17.  its’-penpals
A site from iT’s Magazine to find both email and postal penpals. Divided into a section for adolescent learners (aged 12-17) and a section for adults (aged 18+).
18.  EFL Penpal projects
Examples of real keypal projects carried out by an EFL teacher in Spain , Isabel Perez.
19.  A Taxonomy of Educational Chats for EFL/ESL
An article in which Daphne Gonzalez, a teacher in Venezuela , explains her taxonomy of chats used in education.
20.  Free Online Voice Chat Programs Revisited
An article about using voice chat with learners, including a look at some free chat programs, and some suggested activities.
21.  Examples of chat use in classrooms
As well as describing some real uses of chat in classrooms in Australia , this site also has links to chatiquette guidelines.

22.  Blogging for ELT
A comprehensive article on blogs and blogging in ELT
23.  Examples of real EFL blogs and vlogs, made by teachers and/or learners:
·  Brazil / Argentina blog exchange
·  A blog for EFL young learners
·  A blog for FCE learners
·  The Daily English Show (vlog)
24.  Examples of real EFL podcasts, made by teachers and/or learners:
·  Level 4 transmitting
·  Absolutely Intercultural
·  ESL podcasts
A regualry udpated page of recent ESL/EFL podcasts.
25.  Design Patterns for Eduwikis
Ideas for ways of using wikis with learners (eduwikis).
What is a wiki?
A 2-page downloadable document on uses of a wiki in education, from the University of Southern California.
26.  Online translators: Writing Lesson for Business English
An example writing lesson using Internet resources in English and in the learners’ first language, and online translation tools. This lesson is aimed at students of Business English.
27.  Concordancers
A list of ways to use concordancers with language learners. This link is part of a longer module on the use of online concordancers in language teaching.
28.  Online encyclopedias
Endangered species: a project plan for intermediate learners using an online encyclopedia as a resource.
29.  Automatic Speech Recognition
A 2006 study which analysed the benefits and limitations of using a speech recognition program with a group of Korean EFL learners.
30.  Using DVD feature films in the EFL classroom
An article with ideas of how DVDs films can be used with EFL learners.
31.  An Introduction to Electronic Portfolios in the Language Classroom
A comprehensive article on setting up and using electronic portfolios with language learners.
32.  IWBs
A comprehensive set of links to commercial and non-commercial IWB sites, from the IAEFL Learning Technologies SIG (Special Interest Group).
A research article from BECTA in the UK on the use of IWBs in the teaching of mathematics and modern languages at secondary level.
33.  Activities for ESL Students
A website from The Internet TESL Journal ( http://iteslj.org/  ) which has links to websites with puzzles, games, quizzes, podcasts and other activities for EFL and ESL learners.
34.  Charles Kelly’s Quiz Generator
This page makes simple multiple choice quizzes. You follow a series of simple instructions which guide you through the exercise generation process, and can then save your prepared exercises for printing, or store them in various online formats, including simple webpages.
35.  E. L. Easton
A collection of links to online exercise generators and exercise banks. A useful portal-style page which links to many online resources for building electronic materials, and featuring general English, business English as well as general knowledge tests and links to interactive materials in other languages.
36.  Birgit’s Homepage (Catalan and English)
Another portal collection of exercises and reading mazes, as well as useful links to similar resources. Birgit Ferran is a secondary school teacher in Spain and has spent considerable time building up this very useful resource. A good starting point for links to a wide variety of interactive materials and materials generators.
37.  If you would like to explore the commercial side of multimedia creation, you may like to look at:
Mediator                        http://www.matchware.com/en/products/mediator/edu/why.htm 
Macromedia Director      http://www.adobe.com/products/director/ 
Neobook                       http://www.neosoftware.com/nbw.html
38.  Well-known hosted (commercial) VLEs:
  • Blackboard – a hosted VLE                                http://www.blackboard.com 
  • WebCT – a hosted VLE                                      http://www.webct.com
39.  Open source (free) VLEs:
40.  VLE Comparison tool
A tool for comparing the features of different VLEs, which can compare up to 10 different VLEs at a time.
41.  Instructional Design for Self-Learning in Distance Education
A clear and concise article outlining the main areas to take into acocunt when designing and implementing online courses
42.  A Day in the Life of Web 2.0
An article describing the practical application of several Web 2.0 tools in teaching and learning.
43.  All Things Web 2.0
A comprehensive list of tools and sites that reflect Web 2.0 principles.
44.  Second Life
A series of links to videos, slide shows, and articles about Second Life, as well as advice on how to get started with Second Life.
45.  Case Studies of Innovative Practice
A series of ten case studies on innovative practice in the use of mobile and wireless technologies, including the use of tablet PCs, wireless laptop computers, and PDAs (personal digital assistants), carried out in UK Higher Education Institutions in 2004 - 2005.
46.  Mobile CALL Projects
A website outlining projects with language learning and mobile platforms in English language teaching. This site also has useful links to articles on m-learning.

Important: This research is based on “How to teach English with technology” (Gavin Dudeney and Nicky Hockly) www.longman.com/methodology

Javier Burgos


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