Week 6: Interactive Ppt based on Touchstone

I have done a Ppt about the E-components the book series we teach with has got. We have finished the semester at the university and we will start again the second week of September so I am not teaching at the moment. The idea of doing this power point presentation is to show it to students the next semester so I can make them realize of how many things they can do as extra-curricular activities to support their learning and at the same time promote autonomy. It is very important to teach students what they can do to complement their learning; sometimes not even teachers realize of the materials there are available.

In my opinion, in Ecuador, teacher like to spend a lot of time planning and writing on the board, it is amazing that some teachers still go to their classes and the space for writing on the board is limited to them, Many of them know that there is a vast amount of information, teaching ideas, lesson planning and so on available out there. However, some are teachers refuse to not because of they do not like the idea but because of they do not know how to do use search engines or simply they are afraid of using technology.

As Robert suggested before, it is always good to have a look at the materials available online before starting to make your own planning.

This presentation is explained how the interactive website “Touchstone Arcade” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbdxrGItbkk, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P38XfG1oWdM can help students be more autonomous, the CD-ROM activities they can do, the test crafter works, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuBJLitMaJM&feature=relatedthe interactive whiteboard options, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V4QxtKuDqo&feature=related, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P38XfG1oWdM, Video Program and others. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdKa0xLJITA&feature=relatedI have included the URLs. All these E-components work perfectly with students who are learning with Touchstone book series, it does work with others who use other books as well. The most interesting video I included in the Ppt in the touchstone promo video, students love it and it is a very nice way to motivate them, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=offymLYVVIY&feature=related .

To see My Ppt go to: https://sites.google.com/site/webskillswikisummer2011robert/powerpoints

Does any of you use touchstone?


  1. Hi Javier

    All along the course I have been following your blog posts and ICA posts. You are quite a professional when it comes to technology. You have been preparing interesting student artifacts, if I may call them so, and also making useful suggestions to us from time to time. Thanks and I really like your PPT.

    Take care


  2. Hi Prof. Javier,

    You’re really a technology seeker. Like Robert, most of the time you make us surprised with your technology discovery.

    I agree that Touchstone is a great tool for teaching and developing students’ autonomy learning. There are thousands of interactive activities related to four skills development that teachers can use with the course books and online teaching. There is syllabus available in the website that teachers can adjust the course to their needs. It’s especially beneficial for adult learning in large classes.

    Besides, Touchstone includes software, video, and web-based applications. These components are designed to reinforce the language presented in the Touchstone Student's Books, and provide flexibility and convenience for teachers and students.

    PS. Till now there are lots of technology tools for me to try them out. For sure, I’ll spend my time exploring them and find the most appropriate ones for my teaching.


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