Week 7: One Computer Lesson Plan

One Computer Lesson Plan

Name of the lesson:CD-ROM dictionary demonstration
(Name, type of student): University students aged 23 (average), intermediate to advance.
Interaction: Pair-work; step 2 is a teacher presentation, using an electronic projector; step 2 involves learners working in class in pairs.
Duration: 60 minutes
Materials:CD-ROM dictionaries
Other material:Browser; Computers with internet connection to run online dictionaries
Rationale: Learners usually use a bilingual dictionary owing to unfamiliarity with other options. The knowledge of a CD-ROM can encourage students to explore features the CD and build up their confidence in using CD-ROMs. Learners do usually realize of all those features that most dictionaries have got, so a demonstration from the teacher can point them towards the most useful features for their needs.
Introduction: Start briefly explaining the following:
1.      Finding and spelling words
2.      Headwords
3.      What a star mean in some dictionaries
4.       Word with same spelling that have different homonym numbers
5.       American spelling
6.       British spelling
7.       Alternative accepting spelling
8.       Cross reference
9.       Idioms
10.   Phrasal verbs
11.   Derivatives
12.  Abbreviations
13.  Related words
14.  Part of the speech
15.   Countable, uncountable , singular and plural nouns
16.   Transitive and intransitive verbs
17.  Bold words
18.  Preposition
19.   Participation situation
20.   Subject labels
21.  Highlighted collocation and others.

Objectives of this lesson:To demonstrate features of CD-ROM dictionaries
Procedure: This activity is three steps over the period of time:
1.      Ask students to share their experience of using a CD-ROM dictionary.
2.      Show students some key features in the CD, such as searching for a word. Point out the searching on a CD-ROM dictionary is faster than using a hard –copy dictionary. Demonstrate some of the features listed above in the “Introduction:” part. You can choose a word like “make” (see picture)

Show them key features like Advance Search, QickFind, Superwrite, Excersices, pictures, study pages. Smart thesaurus word building, verb ending and extra examples,
3.      At this point students should get hand-on experience on using the CD-ROMs. They can browse the dictionary freely on do a more controlled task, such as taking the CD-ROM guide tour.

4.      Follow up: 

1.      Give each student a difficult relevant text; they summarize the text in 250 words. In order to do the summary, learners use a CD-ROM dictionary to look at the unknown words. When they are done with this debrief the task: did they find the electronic dictionary useful? Which features of the electronic dictionary were useful?

2.      Group students into small ones, assign each group to a different a CD-ROM dictionary, they meet in groups to discuss about what they liked and what did about the CD.


  1. Hello Javier,

    You are right when you say that "the role of the teacher should be a facilitators and not an instructor and just guide or help students while they participate in the learning process actively" because as teachers the challenge is make our students autonomous and independent in lerning. It creates an environment for learners performance by themselves.




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